Register Your Seat in the Webinar Now!
Are you facing
Parenting Issues?
Behaviour Issues?
Lack of Peace?
Parental Stress?
I'd love to know your name
Email - Don't worry we wont spam you
Phone - We want to keep in touch
Which city do you live in?
What's your age?
Age group of your kid(s)?
What do you currently do?
Have you attended any such parenting coaching before?
What parenting challenges are you trying to overcome? (Can Select Multiple)
Excess Screen Usage
Parental Stress
Child's Behaviour Issue
Lack of peace at home with kids
Losing your patience with kids
Poor eating, sleeping habits
Lack of discipline among kids
Lack of connection with kids
How much time can you spend daily in learning about parenting and get on the journey of happy, conscious parenting?
Choose option
Less than an hour
1- 2 hours
More than 2 hours